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Impact of Classroom Organization on Student Behavior

teachersThe way a classroom is organized – from where the artwork is to how the classroom furniture is laid out – has been found to have an impact on how the children learn and how they behave.  When administrators arrange the layout of the classroom, they need to remember that the students have to see and hear instructions clearly and be able to access the materials efficiently.  The teacher should be in a place that he or she can easily monitor the students and provide feedback.

Important elements to consider when organizing the classroom include:  laying out the desks so that the attention is directed toward the teacher and making sure the students are facing the front of the classroom (and away from the windows).   Furniture should be arranged so that the teachers can see all the students at all times.  And, so that teachers can move among the school desks easily.

Classroom furniture should also be arranged so that there is access to where the artwork etc. is displayed.  Student materials and teacher materials should be separated and students should b e able to quickly find their work.

These are just some ideas for developing and maintaining classroom efficiency and enhancing the likelihood of improved student behavior.

Classroom Organization and Management Program

administratorThe Classroom Organization and Management Program, otherwise referred to as COMP, came about following the research of Dr. Carolyn M. Evertson.   The program has shown substantial benefit to both students and teachers through research conducted in 12 studies in both mainstream and special education resource settings from grades K to 12.  This research was undertaken over 15 years, and observed 581 classrooms in 100 schools.

COMP has been providing services to more than 100,000 administrators and teachers since its 1989 launch.  During this time it has been shown that student behavior has improved as well as academic results.  This naturally leads to an increase in teacher satisfaction.

Of course, it makes sense that if a classroom is organized efficiently there will be less chaos.  If school desks are just laid out haphazardly, it is less likely to lead to the creation of a relaxed environment.  With COMP, teachers, students and others involved in the educational process are given tips on making the classrooms more efficient.

Arranging Space in the Classroom

classroom-organizationThe way a classroom is organized should reflect the educator’s teaching style as much as possible. The school furniture should be arranged in a way that makes it easier to teach in small groups, large groups, one-on-one or individuals, depending on how classes are taught. For those who use a lot of group discussions, the furniture should be arranged in a circle or U-shape. But those who prefer teaching students individually, learning stations should be laid out.
The way the furniture in the class is organized should also reflect the teacher. Teachers should make sure their classrooms are personalized with selected children’s art, posters, and soft rugs, etc. One example of this is what was done in a classroom in Reggio Emilia. Early childhood programs feature children’s work. These are collections of objects they find. They are set out in large spaces to ensure little clutter in the room. The actual class environment is viewed as “another teacher,” and thus it is used to motivate children, improve their educational experience and limit any behavioral issues…just as a teacher might do.
Indeed, according to Mike Hopkins, an educator and author, one should think about the way a classroom is designed in connection with their personal teaching style. In this way, teachers should try to forget about the standard way classrooms are organized and get their ideas from museums, other classrooms, even TV shows, so long as it reflects their teaching style.

Goals of Classroom Organization

classrooomsClassroom organization is important for three main reasons: to maximize the opportunity for learning; minimize the occurrence of behavioral disorderly issues and establish a positive and safe environment for the students.
To achieve these goals, one should consider the following. First, one should ensure that the children are sitting in a way that their focus is directed toward the teacher. Second, classroom chairs should be placed in a way that children can easily see chalkboards, screens, etc. Third, all children should be facing the front of the room, away from the windows. Fourth, the teacher should be able to see all children at all times – so their desks should be laid out accordingly.
Teachers should be able to move around the classroom with ease, so that they can monitor tasks being undertaken and behavior. There should be no blockage where teachers need to move around. Learning materials should be organized and available for teachers and children at the front of the room.
Student work should not just be displayed haphazardly; there should be a specially-delegated areas for this and children should be able to easily find and show off their work when parents come in. For both children and teachers there should be easy access to materials that are often used.
By following these simple rules, the process of achieving the three above-mentioned goals is facilitated.

The Importance of Classroom Organization

classIt is very important to keep a classroom properly organized.  For a start, if kids are in a room that is full of disarray, then there will be a sense of chaos.  There are many aspects that need to be considered.  Teachers who do not organize their classrooms ahead of time, will ultimately end up falling further behind throughout the year.  It is thus vital that teachers understand the importance of setting up an organized  and knowledge-enriching classroom for their students. 

Even if properly organizing a classroom takes a long time, it will be worth it.  Ultimately it will end up saving the teacher time.  The more organized the room, the easier everything will flow and teachers will be able to keep up with their workload.  By ensuing the classroom is stocked with the right supplies, has the furniture organized in an appropriate and comfortable manner and has the best possible set up for good acoustics, children will have a better opportunity to thrive and teachers will be more relaxed.

Another way to keep a classroom organized is to have calendars, whiteboards, daily and weekly lesson plans, etc.  All of these contribute to an improved learning environment.  If this system of order is maintained, organization throughout the academic year is more likely to be accomplished.  Indeed, for those teachers who start this process before the school year, it is even more likely that the classroom will be organized efficiently.